ৰঙা, নীলা, গুলপীয়া, বগা বৰণৰ কচু গছ। এইবোৰ আমাৰ দেশৰ নহয় যদিও, ইহঁতে আমাৰ দেশৰ মাটিত ভালকৈ সহাৱস্থান কৰিছে। এই কচুবোৰ মানুহে সজাই থবলৈও ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে।
The genus Caladium includes seven species that are native to South America and Central America, and naturalized in India, parts of Africa, and various tropical islands. They grow in open areas of the forest and on the banks of rivers and go dormant during the dry season. The wild plants grow to 15–35 inches (40–90 cm) tall, with leaves mostly 6-18 inches (15–45 cm) long and broad. (Wiki)
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